The story is a single mission, but it still manages to provide a shocking number of intense moments and clever twists.
As the leader of his organization, Big Boss handles the classic sneakiness that the Metal Gear series has been known for. Picking up after the events of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes follows Big Boss (aka Snake) through a stealth mission to rescue child soldier Chico and long-time agent Paz, two characters who became significant as parts of Big Boss’ independent military unit in Peace Walker. But despite its brief length, Ground Zeroes is the most evolutionary take on the stealth genre yet, a teasing glimpse into Metal Gear Solid for a new generation. It’s a serious deal from start to finish, from the dark subject matter to how seriously Kojima and his crew have addressed the evolution of the series’ stealth mechanics. But the latest Metal Gear game, Ground Zeroes, is not playful at all. The series’ espionage intrigue and political alternate histories have always possessed that playfulness, that same kind of whimsy that emits from his cheerful grin he displays at any convention he attends. No better example of this is his prized creation, Metal Gear. Hideo Kojima has become somewhat of a clown prince in game development, a goofy and spirited developer who’s become famous (or infamous) for perverting the most serious of topics into something absurdly convoluted and intentionally indecipherable.