The last three buttons give you full control for colors. The formatting toolbar contains most of the formatting options needed for day-to-day usage. To change the formatting, you'll have to block the texts that you want to format, then click on the appropriate formatting buttons. If you've used Microsoft Word, or any of most other modern word processing programs, you will have no trouble with making basic formatting changes, such as in changing fonts or changing color.

Type a filename, in this example "tree".Click on the menu "File", afterwards click on "Save as".Open OpenOffice writer, and the program starts.
To learn more about PDF formatting and documentation options, look up the PDF Wikipedia entry. "Submit forms in format" only decides how the forms for the document will be formatted. If you use transitional effects in your document, you can choose whether to leave them intact or not by checking the "Use transition effects" option. There is also "Export Notes", which includes the notes on the document in the PDF while exporting. To produce a properly formatted tagged PDF, you will have to use the internal stylizing of OOo, and not just concentrate on visual output. General - The "Tagged PDF" option produces a text document that is tagged, IE readable by screen readers for the disabled.The "Reduce image resolution" brings the images DPI (Dots Per Inch) down, which could have an effect if the user zooms into an image, making it more pixelated. "JPEG compression" produces lossy results, and it's according "Quality" option decides how 'liberally' the compression occurs. "Lossless compression" will be the best quality, but also the largest. Images - Informs how you want images compressed into PDF format.This allows you to choose which pages to export as a PDF, usually all of them. Range - Select either "All", "Pages", or (if you have highlighted certain text) "Selection".This will bring up the PDF Options window, and for now, all you'll need to press is "Export". Title it hello again, and click on "Save". and it should come up with the same window as before. You should have your document with "Hello World" written in it.
Open your first document, and check to make sure that you have a PDF viewer installed on your computer (you can download one from Adobe if you don't have one). Want to do more? Let's turn this document into an Adobe PDF file, a common method of distributing printed material over the internet. That was easy, but OpenOffice writer has so much more to offer. You have just completed your first document. We will go over saving in different extensions later.

Just type the name you want and OpenOffice will automatically use its default extension. Save the document as hello.odt (if you are using 2.0.0 or 1.1.5) or hello.sxw (if you are using an older version). To save click on the disk icon or go File > Save As. In Linux you can usually open it from the OpenOffice Writer Icon on the taskbar or dock, from its entry in your "start" menu, or with the shell command "openoffice -writer &". To open from the quickstarter right-click on the icon and select "Writer".
In Windows you can do this from the taskbar (if you set up quickstarter during install) or its program group. Support for system C++ STL.Tutorials Your First Document Module binfilter removed (legacy StarOffice file formats (.sdw. Changes that Impact Backwards Compatibility. Calc and Chart Improvements/Enhancements. Corrected Hatch fill style visualization. Transparency support for pixel formats (PNG). Unified visualization of Color Palette popup. Refined the Selection Handles User Interface. New Gallery Themes and Gallery enhancements. Interoperability Improvements for Text Documents, Spreadsheet Documents, Presentation Documents and OOXML file format in general.

OpenOffice has supported extensions, in a similar manner to Mozilla Firefox, making easy to add new functionality to an existing OpenOffice installation.įeatures: 170+ Languages. OpenOffice is also able to export files in PDF format. OpenOffice is available in many languages, works on all common computers, stores data in ODF - the international open standard format - and is able to read and write files in other formats, included the format used by the most common office suite packages.
Apache OpenOffice is an open-source office productivity software suite containing word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, graphics, formula editor, and database management applications.